Blue Pelican marina
Message from Nick L. Torres, Esq., managing partner of Torres & Zheng at Law: We have received multiple inquiries from customers of Blue Pelican informing us that Blue Pelican will not grant its own customers access to the premises in order to retrieve their own property.
On behalf of our clients, if Blue Pelican Marina does not grant access to its customers immediately to retrieve and inspect their boats, we will move forward with legal action and seek to enforce our clients’ rights to the fullest extent of the law, which shall include compensatory and perhaps punitive damages to punish Blue Pelican’s poor conduct.
If there are other customers seeking assistance with this situation, please contact our law offices at admin@torresbusinesslaw.com or call (917) 768-0575.
This timeline was established through Blue Pelican Marina’s Facebook posts, comments from Facebook users and personal experience interacting with the marina. Previously, Facebook users have commented on posts made by the Blue Pelican marina, but their comments have been deleted. In order to preserve comments, we have taken screenshots of all posts related to Hurricane Helene as well as comments left by other Facebook users.
For now (as of Dec 3, 2024), the Blue Pelican Marina’s page is live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluepelicanmarina
The Blue Pelican Marina’s website https://www.bluepelicanmarina.com/ has been taken down. Even though the website name has been renewed on 5/12/2024, the website is currently “parked” with no content.
To view documents and screenshot, click on the black title in the timeline right below the date.

Hurrican Helene Passes Hernando Beach
At around 10PM, Hurricane Helene passes Hernando Beach the night of Sep 26, 2024.
Drive-by after Helene
I personally drove by the marina and spoke with the general manager the day after Helene on Sep 28, 2024. The manager was assessing the damage. Gates were locked.

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"The marina will be closed until further notice. We will notify everyone when we will be open."

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"After Hurricane Helene we have alot of damage at the marina. We will be CLOSED until further notice. Please understand we are doing the best we can at this time. This is by far the worst storm I personally have seen. Everyone on Hernando Beach lost everything. There is still salt water pretty deep here at the Blue Pelican Marina. We will rebuild! Please pray for everyone along the Gulf Coast. I will try to update everyone as we go. Please remember we do not have power out here which means the phones are down."

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"Regarding the marina update, we are currently evaluating the extent of damages sustained. Unfortunately, the store's interior has suffered significant loss. The store experienced over 5 feet of water inundation. Fortunately, our boat storage customers fared relatively well. I will make every effort to personally contact each affected customer with individual updates on their vessel's status. ***PLEASE NOTE that our phone lines are temporarily out of service and power restoration is pending. We are diligently working to expedite the marina's recovery and restoration. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated during this natural disaster."

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"Today's update: significant progress has been made in cleaning and disinfecting the premises, including wall removal. Please note that our phone lines are currently down; we kindly request that customers leave their name and phone number, and we will try to return calls as soon as possible. Clear speech when leaving voicemails is greatly appreciated to ensure efficient communication."

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"We here at Blue Pelican Marina want to take a moment to appreciate our valued customers and let them know how much we appreciate their understanding at this time."

Called Marina
Called the marina on Oct 5, 2024. No answer. Left massage but no response.

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"The marina will be CLOSED until it is safe to return. We pray everyone is safe during this hurricane."
Message to Manager
Messaged manager at the marina to ask for updates. Response: "Our lift is still over heating. We have some parts on it being repaired right now so if I can get it running better... And we will be running soon. We have had a lot of hurdles in getting the place put back together but it's coming along"

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"We continue to be without power. The necessary parts for our forklift are on order and we are also awaiting the arrival of a crane."

Comments Deleted
As of Dec 3, the Facebook post had 6 comments. Only 5 comments are left on the original post. One reply has been removed by either the Blue Pelican Marina or the owner of the comment.

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"Although power has not been restored, electricians have made progress and we anticipate resolution within the next few weeks. We will be open to insurance inspectors, Monday through Friday, to facilitate customer claims. If you are unsure if you need a claim please private message the marina Facebook and give your boat number and phone number."
Message to Manager
Called the marina. No response. Messaged the manager at the marina to ask for updates. No response.

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"We remain without power as the necessary parts for electrical repairs are currently on back order. Similarly, our forklift is still out of operation, awaiting the arrival of shipped parts. We are working towards reopening but with the entire coast trying to rebuild obviously things will take time."

Comments deleted
As of Dec 3, the Facebook post had 11 comments. Only 3 comments are left on the original post. All other comments have been removed by either the Blue Pelican Marina or the owner of the comment.

Blue Pelican Facebook Post
"The marina remains without power, rendering our telephone system inoperable. We maintain weekday business hours from morning to mid-afternoon to accommodate customers wishing to inspect their boats. Please utilize Facebook Messenger to inform us of your intended visit time, enabling us to ensure staff availability. Note that the gates are temporarily closed to the public at the insurer's request."

Public records: Notice of Hearing on Nov 7, 2024. EBF Holdings, LLC d/b/a Everest Business Funding (Plaintiff) va. Blue Pelican Marina I LLC & Freddy Antonio Russian (Defendants). Motion for Judicial Default and for Final Default Judgment filed on July 19, 2024.
Message to manager
Called the marina, no answer. Messaged manager at the marina to ask for updates. No response.

Demand Letter signed for by Freddy Russian
On Dec 18, 2024, a demand letter has been sent to the owner Freddy Russian. The letter was delivered to his personal home and to his investment firm AFLG Investments (“American Family Legacy Group, LLC”). Both letters have been signed for. Freddy Russian personally signed for the letter sent to his home address and the receptionist signed for the letter sent to AFLG. However, Freddy Russian or AFLG never responded.

Retrieved boats from Marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett's Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner's own expense.

Video segment on BayNews9
Customers not getting access to retrieve their boats. Customers stating that their boat is not visible anymore; may have been moved.

Retrieved boats from marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett's Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner's own expense. Per Facebook comments, cost was approximately $1385 per boat owner.

Retrieved boats from Marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett's Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner's own expense. Per Facebook comments, cost was approximately $1200 per boat owner.

Retrieved boats from Marina
Video on Facebook with the marina owner Freddy Russian stating that boat owners have permission to enter the premises to get their boats. Video posted on private Facebook Group “Hernando Beach Neighborhood”.
Sep 28, 2024
Drive-by after Helene
I personally drove by the marina and spoke with the general manager the day after Helene on Sep 28, 2024. The manager was assessing the damage. Gates were locked.
Sep 28, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“After Hurricane Helene we have alot of damage at the marina. We will be CLOSED until further notice. Please understand we are doing the best we can at this time. This is by far the worst storm I personally have seen. Everyone on Hernando Beach lost everything. There is still salt water pretty deep here at the Blue Pelican Marina. We will rebuild! Please pray for everyone along the Gulf Coast. I will try to update everyone as we go. Please remember we do not have power out here which means the phones are down.”
Sep 30, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“Regarding the marina update, we are currently evaluating the extent of damages sustained. Unfortunately, the store’s interior has suffered significant loss. The store experienced over 5 feet of water inundation. Fortunately, our boat storage customers fared relatively well. I will make every effort to personally contact each affected customer with individual updates on their vessel’s status. ***PLEASE NOTE that our phone lines are temporarily out of service and power restoration is pending. We are diligently working to expedite the marina’s recovery and restoration. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated during this natural disaster.”
Oct 3, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“Today’s update: significant progress has been made in cleaning and disinfecting the premises, including wall removal. Please note that our phone lines are currently down; we kindly request that customers leave their name and phone number, and we will try to return calls as soon as possible. Clear speech when leaving voicemails is greatly appreciated to ensure efficient communication.”
Oct 5, 2024
Called the marina
Called the marina on Oct 5, 2024. No answer. Left massage but no response.
Oct 17, 2024
Message to Manager
Messaged manager at the marina to ask for updates. Response: “Our lift is still over heating. We have some parts on it being repaired right now so if I can get it running better… And we will be running soon. We have had a lot of hurdles in getting the place put back together but it’s coming along”
Oct 20, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“Although power has not been restored, electricians have made progress and we anticipate resolution within the next few weeks. We will be open to insurance inspectors, Monday through Friday, to facilitate customer claims. If you are unsure if you need a claim please private message the marina Facebook and give your boat number and phone number.”
Oct 20, 2024
Message to Manager
Called the marina. No response. Messaged the manager at the marina to ask for updates. No response.
Oct 29, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“We remain without power as the necessary parts for electrical repairs are currently on back order. Similarly, our forklift is still out of operation, awaiting the arrival of shipped parts. We are working towards reopening but with the entire coast trying to rebuild obviously things will take time.”
Oct 29, 2024
Blue Pelican Facebook Post
“The marina remains without power, rendering our telephone system inoperable. We maintain weekday business hours from morning to mid-afternoon to accommodate customers wishing to inspect their boats. Please utilize Facebook Messenger to inform us of your intended visit time, enabling us to ensure staff availability. Note that the gates are temporarily closed to the public at the insurer’s request.”
Nov 17, 2024
Message to Manager
Called the marina, no answer. Messaged manager at the marina to ask for updates. No response.

Dec, 18 2024
Demand Letter signed for by Freddy Russian
On Dec 18, 2024, a demand letter has been sent to the owner Freddy Russian. The letter was delivered to his personal home and to his investment firm AFLG Investments (“American Family Legacy Group, LLC”). Both letters have been signed for. Freddy Russian personally signed for the letter sent to his home address and the receptionist signed for the letter sent to AFLG. However, Freddy Russian or AFLG never responded.

Dec 28, 2024
Retrieved Some boats from the marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett’s Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner’s own expense.
Dec 2, 2024
Contacted Torres & Zheng at Law
Contacted Torres & Zheng at Law to evaluate further steps. If there are other customers seeking assistance with this situation, please contact our law offices at admin@torresbusinesslaw.com or call (917) 768-0575.

Jan 18, 2025
Retrieved Some boats from the marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett’s Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner’s own expense. Per Facebook comments, cost was approximately $1385 per boat owner.

Jan 19, 2025
Retrieved Some boats from the marina
Retrieved some boats from the marina through Crockett’s Towing. Hired private towing company with a rotator truck to retrieve boats at each boat owner’s own expense. Per Facebook comments, cost was approximately $1200 per boat owner.

Jan 26, 2025
Comments from marina owner Freddy Russian
Video on Facebook with the marina owner Freddy Russian stating that boat owners have permission to enter the premises to get their boats. Video posted on private Facebook Group “Hernando Beach Neighborhood”.